Wednesday, July 3, 2013

How to make a LEGO Minecraft Steve

I love minecraft, it's one of my favorite computer games! I was thinking, since I love both legos and minecraft, that it would be fun to build my own Steve! 
It turn out so well, that I decided to make a tutorial for you on how to make the lego Minecraft Steve.

Here are the 4 piece you'll need to make the legs:
- 3 one by one bricks
- 1 slope brick
Directions on legs: 
  1. Connect 2 of the one by one bricks
  2.  then connect the last one by one brick to the slope brick.

Now, to build a hand and the sword. Here are the pieces needed:
- 2 light gray one by one plates
- 1 one by one dark gray plate
- 1 one by three dark gray plate
- 1 one by two tan brick
- 1 brown stud
- 1 one by one dark gray brick

Directions for Steve's hand and sword: 
  1. Connect 1 of the light gray one by one plate to the dark gray plate. Then, connect the dark gray brick to the dark gray plate.
  2. Now, put the last light gray one by one plate to the top of the dark gray brick.
  3. Connect the one by three dark gray plate to the bottom of the light gray plate
  4. Put the one by two tan brick underneath the one by three dark gray plate.
  5. Lastly, put the dot to the bottom of the one by two tan brick.

 The pieces you will need for Steve's body are:
- 2 light blue smooth plates
- 1 tan jumper plate
- 1 one by four brick 
- 1 one by two light blue brick

  1. Connect both of the light blue smooth plates to the one by four light blue brick
  2. Now, connect the tan jumper plate in between the two smooths
  3. Finally, put the light blue one by two underneath the one by four

Now to connect an extra hand and the hand and sword to the main body:
- The body you built
- The sword and hand you made
- A tan one by two 

  1. Connect the tan one by two to the body you built.
  2. Then connect the sword and hand you made earlier to right side of his body.

The head:
- tan plates (note: you must have  least 1 two by two tan plate.)
- 1 brown flat

  1. Connect all the tan pieces together
  2. Connect the brown two by two to the top of the tan pieces

All the parts you have made:
- Head
- Legs
- Main body with hands and sword

  1. Put the legs underneath the main body
  2. Connect the head to the jumper plate (on the top of the main body).
  3. HAVE FUN! Because you're all done! 

You can customize your own LEGO Steve with your favorite colors. 
Another thing you can do is to add a sticker to Steve's face to add facial features, such a eyes, nose, etc.

GREAT JOB! I hoped you liked this LEGO Minecraft Steve tutorial. 

If you have any questions or would like me to make anything (like more mincraft tutorials) comment below!

1 comment:

  1. I really appreciate the kind of topics you post here. Thanks for sharing us a great information that is actually helpful. Good day! Minecraft servers
