Tuesday, June 25, 2013

How to make a 
Lego The Rocket Launcher

Here are the pieces you will need:

-  Black dot
- Control stick (without lever)
- Black hand 
- Tap
- Light blue tile
- Rocket launcher frame
- Round brick

First, connect the rocket launcher frame to the tap
Then, connect the black hand to the tap.
Now, connect the Control stick (without lever) to the top of the rocket launcher.

For the second half, connect a dot to the bottom of the tap.
Next step, add the round brick on the dot. 
Lastly, connect the light blue tile to the rocket launcher.

For extra good look, you can connect the rocket launcher to the gun stand.

Have fun BLASTING with the Lego rocket launcher!!
Thanks! Check out my other tutorials!
This is for elite vs commandos.

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